Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Goals 2012

Well I'd like to look at all my goals from last year and say that I met them all...however....
I lost my list of  goals and therefore can't remember what they were...ooops.

I DO remember a couple, though.

#1 - Take guitar lessons.  CHECK.  Did it.  I'm not saying I'm good at it yet, but I did take some lessons.  Thank you Jon Stankorb.

#2 - Run a race at an 8:30 mile pace.  CHECK.  Did it.  I wasn't sure I was going to make that one...I was running MUCH slower even through the summer.  I decided to join a Bob Ronker's Running Group in late summer to train for the Thanksgiving Day race.  My intent was to run with fast people and therefore become fast. 
I must say that it actually worked.
At the beginning of the training I had to choose whether I was going to go with the "normal" group of runners and be at the front of the pack, or run with the "competitive" group of runners and be last nearly every run.  I chose the latter, and it made all the difference.  I would show up, leave with the fast group, and just decide that I would keep running with them until they kicked me out due to my inability to keep up adequately.  I could barely talk while running with them.  It was not comfortable.  But at the Cyclones 5K, I met my goal and ran an 8:16 pace!  Thank you Ronkers!  And thank you fast people for not kicking me out of the  group :)

Coming soon will be a list of goals for 2013.  Please don't get excited.  They will be ridiculously easy to achieve.  And I might even put a goal on there that I've already accomplished so that I can start the year out feeling successful :)